What we want to do for 2024 is give new, up and coming artists a chance to show their work in London – especially students.  So we are offering students a discounted price of £10 to enter the 2024 exhibition.  Any student entries must be accompanied by valid student ID.

If you are an artist that wants to get your artwork seen, London’s Erotic Art exhibition is a great place to start! We want to hear from up and coming artists in the erotic art genre who want the chance to be part of something different, for exposure and to hopefully sell work. We are the only annual erotic art exhibition and festival in London.

Please note, this is an international art show based in London. So if you are anywhere in the world, we want to hear from you! For our previous exhibitions we had artists flying in from Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, USA, Germany, Holland, France, Canada, Italy, Brazil and more! Everyone is welcome!

We will be posting about the call for art on this website, as well as on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. If you are on the mailing list, we will also send an email out about the call for art being open. Sign up below to get notifications to your inbox.

Erotic Art Exhibition invites artists to submit their work for the second erotic art festival in London. This will be a 4-day art festival that will feature hundreds of quality erotic works in all the art forms.

Before submitting, please read and understand the requirements for submitting your work.

This is a paid submission process (to be able to pay for the event to happen!) and the registration fee is £27 to include up to 5 submissions. Artists may pay an additional £10 to submit an additional 5 pieces (total £37 for 10 pieces submitted).  If you are a performer, you need to select the £27 option.  If you are a student, you can enter x5 pieces for £10 (with Student ID).

Date of the festival - Thursday 31st October - Sunday 3rd November 2024

Please send in the entry fee first (see the payment options at the bottom of the page), and then submit your images by e-mail to

Please indicate the theme / title of your set of art work in the subject line.

How to prepare your files for submission

File names:

lastname_title or lastname_title_number.

File names of maximum 40 characters should only contain letters of the English alphabet and underscores.

Titles may be shortened (please avoid very long file names), and they should be given without spaces in the file name.

No spaces in the file names please.


The image titled ‘A Red Day by Henry Hole’ would have this file name: ‘Hole_ARedDay.jpg’;

The third untitled image by Henry Hole: ‘Hole_Untitled_3.jpg’;

The second photograph of the series “Tea Tree” by Henry Hole: ‘Hole_TeaTree_2.jpg’.

In the body of your submission e-mail please include:

  1. Your full name (and any alias name if required);
  2. Your city and country (with the state abbreviation if USA e.g TN is Tennessee);
  3. Your website address (if you have one);
  4. Social media account handles (e.g. for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other):
  5. Titles of all included images with the corresponding file names (in case of a series, please number the photos of the series, and indicate the title of the series, if it has one or state if original, limited edition of x copies etc);  Please ensure you NAME YOUR IMAGES THE SAME AS YOU WRITE THEM IN THE EMAIL
  6. The actual or desired size of work when framed (in cm – not inches!!)



Image to send in

Please send clear photos of your artwork.  If the file sizes are too big for email, please use to send them, ensuring you send all the relavent information along with this.  The images do not need to be high resolution, since it is only for us to decide if you have been accepted in to the exhibition or not.


The call for art will close:  Sunday 25th August 2024

Artists will be notified by: Sunday 15th September 2024

Event dates (including set up and take down): Tuesday 29th October – MOnday 4th November 2024

(we can not notify all artists which haven’t been selected.  If you are selected, you will receive an email from us, plus we will post in Instagram the final exhibiting artists).

Any submission rules or deadlines not met will result in the artist not being able to exhibit.  No exceptions!


Erotic Art Exhibition will send notifications with further instructions, dates and times for delivery and shipping of work to the exhibition to the artists that get their work chosen to be shown at the event. PLEASE PAY STRICT ATTENTION TO THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU RECEIVE THEM.


If you are unsure how and where to get your work printed and framed, Erotic Art Exhibition recommends you contact Snappy Snaps in Soho  This is great if you are an international artist so you can shop your work rolled or a print copy ready to be framed by Snappy.

Your work will then also be delivered to the gallery in the correct time slot by Snappy.


Make sure you read through the submissions guidelines and rules properly before submitting your work. 

Check list:

  • Is all information we have requested in your submissions email?
  • Correct payment has been made?
  • The size of your files are correct within our guidelines?
  • Your image file names have been named correctly as per our instructions above?


IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THE SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS, YOUR ENTRY WILL NOT BE PRESENTED TO THE JURY AND YOUR SUBMISSION WILL BE MARKED AS INVALID. Please do not email us asking about this – please read the above and make sure you do as required.   We do not offer refunds.

Acceptance in to the exhibition

If you are successful and chosen to exhibit your work at the exhibition, we will notify you via email.  Please make sure our email address is added to your email whitelist so we do not end up in your spam folder.  You will also be added to the list of exhibitors which will be posted on the website and social media.

PLEASE DO NOT MESSAGE US ASKING IF YOU HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL.  We can only notify successful applicants.  Please appreciate the sheer amount of artists we have to manage so can’t answer individual emails about whether you have been successful.  You will know if you have been selected as we will contact you.

If you are selected, there will be handling fees to exhibit.  This will be charged at £15 for handling the work for any transport to the venue (if relevant) and / or our team installing the work.  De-installation after the event (to include re-packing ready for collection by a courier), is charged at £10.  The de-installation fee is of course optional if you are collecting your work and we do not have to touch it once the exhibition closes.  Details on how to pay for the handling fees will be sent along with the acceptance emails, should you be selected to exhibit.

We do not offer refunds if you do not send your artwork in time, or if your work is not submitted due to not correctly following the submission instructions.

Please select how many pieces you would like to submit from below and proceed to Paypal payment:

Submission cost